Talackova was originally told that she could not compete because, according to the pageant rules, all entrants must be “naturally born” females. Since Talackova was born male, she was automatically ineligible. Yep…excluded even though she underwent a sex change procedure four years ago and, believe me, looks all woman.
At a press conference with her lawyer, Gloria Allred, Talackova expressed her sorrow, about the pageants decision, saying “I was devastated and felt that excluding me for the reason they gave was unjust.” Well it seems the pageant had a change of heart and, on Monday, announced that Jenna COULD participate after all.
I’m curious what you think though about the pageants change of heart and if YOU believe a transgender person should be allowed to compete in a competition like this?
From my perspective, I’m all for it considering the way she looks. Granted, it’s been quite some time since I’ve been with any woman, so maybe I’ve finally hit the stage that anything will do (even if they were once a dude), but I gotta admit, I think she’s kinda hot.
That brings up another question…if you were in a relationship with someone as hot as Jenna, only to find out that she had a sex change before they met you, could you continue with the relationship? What would you do? Be honest.
Do tell…
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